Abstract: Due to continuous variation of charging level battery, connected loads are different in electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The linear controllers such as P, PI and PID does not provide smooth and regulated response in case of EV charging applications as well as power electronics collaboration. Sometimes load changes in sudden situation and EV charging stations comes in instability region. Considering the reasons, this research work discusses on implementation of non-linear controllers for EV battery charging applications. This paper shows and describes the performance of Fuzzy-Logic Controller (FLC) and Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) for EV charging applications. The Fuzzy-Logic controller and sliding mode controller has been developed for Split-Pi converter-based battery charging scheme, and the complete control system has been analyzed and validated by simulation study. Performances have been investigated in detail for checking different characteristics. Split-Pi converter is a recently invented DC-DC converter which has great potential in the power electronics field because it has less components and lower switching losses. The closed-loop operation of this converter topology has been analyzed and discussed with simulation results.
Index Terms: Fuzzy Logic Controller, Sliding Mode Controller, EV Battery, Charging Station, Split-Pi DC-DC Converter, Solar PV Panel.
Shetu Roy, "Analysis and Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Control and Sliding Mode Control with Split-Pi Converter and Solar Energy Rectified Battery Applications", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 4, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11401.