Abstract: Service quality affects patient satisfaction that will affect patient loyalty. The most important indicators of Hospital services by Ministry of health is the ratio of Bed Occupancy (BOR). If the patient is satisfied with health services provided, then it will effect conferring on patient loyalty to utilize health services. The image of the hospital have an impact on the attitudes and behaviour of patients against hospitals. The better image will be higher levels of consumer purchases and the greater chance of that product being purchased by consumers and further improve consumer loyalty to a product.
Purpose: to know the influence of service quality and hospital image on inpatient loyalty with patient satisfaction as an intervening variable.
Research methods: This research is quantitative research. This study was conducted on 185 patients at Mother and Child Hospital "Bunda Sejahtera" Tangerang using a questionnaire. Data analysis method in this research used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
Research results: showed that a good hospital image did not improve patient satisfaction. Good service quality will increase patient satisfaction. High patient satisfaction will increase loyalty. A good hospital image will increase patient loyalty. Good service quality will increase patient loyalty. In this study patient satisfaction mediates the Service Quality and Hospital Image because the results of the study show that satisfaction influences patient loyalty.
Key words: Service Quality, Hospital Image, Satisfaction, Loyalty.