Abstract: This paper describes the comparative study of piston rod used in hydraulic cylinder made of two different materials by using Finite Element Method (FEM) and attempts to figure out which material gives less deformation under same loading conditions. The parameters used for the analysis are operating loads and material properties of piston rod. The specifications used for the study of these piston rod belong to hydraulic cylinder having stroke length 167mm. The dimensions are obtained and a 3-D CAD model on CREO 3.0 is prepared. Static structural analysis is performed by using ANSYS 19.2. The results predict the total deformation and critical region on the piston rod using FEA. The best material is then selected on basis of these results and a comparison is made with the structural steel and EN-19 to find out which material gives less deformation.
Keywords: Hydraulic cylinder, Piston rod, Deformation, Analysis.