Abstract: Cinnamomum is a genus of family Lauraceae, which has been recognized worldwide as an important genus due to its beneficial uses. Camphor from Cinnamomum camphora has been used for centuries, throughout the world as a remedy for treating variety of symptoms such as inflammation, infection, congestion, pain, irritation, cancer etc but many of the applications are not scientifically validated. Computational studies have shown that some of the components of Cinnamum camphora like terpenoids have suppressive effect on COX proteins. Terpenoids have been demonstrated to play an important role in immunomodulatory activity too. This work aims to study the phytochemical constituents and elucidate the molecular mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of camphor using computational studies.

Keywords: Cinnamomum camphora, anti-inflammaty effect, molecular docking, binding energy

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9257

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