Abstract: The present investigation was based on examining knowledge of consumers about care labels found on textile products. A qualitative survey was conducted to collect data from the residents of Udaipur urban areas in Rajasthan. The population of the study comprised of both men and women in retail shops and flea markets in city of Udaipur. The sample or participants were drawn by means of convenience and availability of sampling. The study involved retail shops, flea markets and thirty respondents comprising of college going students of Udaipur city. Data was collected through interview schedule, observation method and telephonic survey. It was revealed that some clothing from both the retail shops and flea market did not have any type of care information. It was also found that most of the consumers did not follow information on the care labels due to lack of knowledge as most of them did not know what the symbols stand for and how to use or read them. The study recommends community based teaching programs on care labels and maintenance, and that all textile products should have compulsory care labels to facilitate proper care of textiles.
Keywords: Care Label, Textile Products, Laundering, Knowledge, Consumers