Abstract: This study is an attempt to find out the information seeking behavior and satisfaction level regarding library resources of post graduates students of University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Survey research design was used for the study and for collection of data questionnaire was distributed among randomly selected 464 Post Graduate students of eight faculties of University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Out of them 378 questionnaires were returned back. Results of the study presented that majority of the students visited library for the purpose of borrowing the books (76.19%) followed by to access reference resource (70.63%), study purpose (68.52%) and reading newspapers (64.81%). While 38.36 percent of respondents visited library to avail reprography service and then only 27.78% of students visit library to access e- resources. Further study depicted that majority of responders were very satisfied with collection of newspapers (37.30%) of the university library. 36.51% and 33.60% were in satisfied category with respect to collection of books and journals respectively but very dissatisfied with subscribed- e-sources of university library. Data pertaining to satisfaction level of students regarding library services provided by university library depicted that majority of respondents were very satisfied with issuing and return of books service (39.68%) followed by OPAC service (37%) and were dissatisfied with reading facilities, Internet facility, computers facility and with user guidance/awareness service of the library. Study recommended for subscription of more need based e-sources and user awareness/educational programme for efficiently utilization of university library sources and service.
Key words: Information seeking behavior, Post Graduate Students, Library resources, University, Rajasthan