Abstract: The safety of workers has been on the front burner since the era of industrialization and is a priority for the United Nations. It is recognized as a basic human right in the United Nations universal declaration of Human Rights, 1948. This study examined the extent of workers’ compliance with measures for a safe environment in some selected quarries in the Bwari Area Council of the FCT. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study consisted of 2876 workers of quarry industries in the area under survey. A sample of 287 workers was chosen using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was a 15-item structured questionnaire tagged Measures for a Safe Environment Compliance Questionnaire (MSECQ). Internal consistency of the instrument was determined using Cronbach alpha co-efficient and the overall reliability coefficient was 0.96. Research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while hypotheses were tested using a t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The alpha level for the test of hypotheses was set at 0.05. The results show that workers highly comply with measures for a safe environment, and exhibit low compliance with measures for a safe environment in relation to reporting safety problems and every faulty equipment to management. There is no significant difference between male and female workers in the level of compliance with measures for a safe environment. There is a significant difference in workers’ compliance with measures for a safe environment based on their level of education. It is recommended that the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) and Mines Inspectorate Department (MID) should liaise with state and local health authorities in the health education of quarry workers and general control of quarries. Also, owners of quarries should take responsibility for every act of non-compliance in quarries and should ensure regular health education and training of workers and regular hazard control in the quarries.
Keywords. Safety, Compliance, Environment, and Quarry.