Abstract: New approach for making education easier for humans that makes learning more practical and reliant. Computer Vision has a wide variety of technologies. Augmented Reality is one of the popular technologies of Computer vision. Augmented reality is the next revolutionary approach. These days interactive study is a new boom for teaching industry. The 3D images, audios and videos that explain the text more graphically. This enhances the student’s understanding and makes the learning process easier. Also, human verification, biometrics, information gathering using devices such as google glass is more convenient. Deep learning has gained a tremendous amount of influence on the world and the rapid adaptation of Artificial Intelligence in the past few years has been remarkable. Some of the popular object detection algorithms are Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (RCNN), Faster- RCNN, Single Shot Detector (SSD) and You Only Look Once (YOLO). We are using Object detection and face recognition, which is now accurate up to 95% using tensor flow Object detection API, for training our Model. Also using faster R-CNN algorithms for implementations. This proposes the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) facial recognition system. The key component analysis (PCA) is a statistical method under the broad heading of factor analysis.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, OCR, Deep Learning, Object Detection API, Tensor Flow, Faster R-CNN, CNN, Computer Vision, Face detection, Face recognition, PCA, Eigenspace, Haar cascade, OpenCV