Abstract: Advancements in electronics have made devices smaller, cheaper, and faster in recent years. This project aims to control the speed of a fan based on temperature sensors, which are essential in smart home applications. Home appliance fans require manual operation with regulators, which can be time-consuming and uncomfortable. To reduce this effort, the project designs an "Automatic Temperature Controlled" fan. The fan is controlled by heating the sensor, the Thermistor, which is dependent on the temperature of the device. As the temperature increases or decreases, the fan's speed increases or decreases. This can be used for cooling the animal shed or controlling room temperature based on the Thermistor's properties. The Thermistor decreases its resistance with increasing temperature, increasing electrical conductivity and voltage across it. This allows for automatic fan control when the device's temperature varies. Experiments can be conducted to evaluate the efficiency of this circuit, utilizing temperature sensors to save energy and promote efficiency.

Keywords: thermistor, fan speed, temperature sensor

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10703

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