Abstract: An attempt has been made in this project to use LPG and Gasoline fuel in four stroke Gasoline engines. Our fore most aim in selecting this project is to use non-conventional fuel against conventional fuel which is becoming scarce and costly now days. With this, the air is being less polluted than conventional fuels. It is also efficient with regard to economic considerations. In our project we have provisioned LPG fuel system to four stroke vehicles, where we can use both gasoline and LPG. Gasoline and LPG fuel storage tanks are combined into a single unit which will be provisioned by two inlets for fuelling the tanks and two nozzle outputs for the output of the fuels from the tank comes through a gas pressure pipe to a primary outlet valve fitted at the mouth of the LPG cylinder. The LPG is passed through the LPG solenoid valve and sent to the Low-Pressure Gasifier which regulates the pressure of the LPG before sending it to the Injectors / Carburettor.
Keywords: Gasoline engines, Conventional and Non – Conventional fuels, four stroke vehicles, Fuel Storage tank, LPG solenoid valve