Abstract: The different component of air may have important effect on the health of man and animals, both individually and through their interactions. The present investigation was carried out to monitor the occurrence of indoor aeromycoflora at two different sites of Nagbhid during June 2013 to May 2014. Air sample was collected at each site twice in a month by exposing petriplates containing Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Total 498 colonies were recorded. The fungal colonies were asses on the basis of micro and macro morphological characteristics. Winter season favors the occurrence of more fungal colonies. In this investigation, the predominant fungi observed were Aspergillus niger (18.29%), A. flavus (11.04%), A. fumigatus (7.23%), Curvularia lunata (6.83 %), Cladosporium spp. (6.43%).The rainfall (mm), temperature (ºC) and relative humidity (%) was noted and occurrence of fungi was correlated with these meteorological factors.
Keywords: Air, PDA, fungi, Meteorological factor.