Abstract: The secured data management systems in the education sector cannot be over emphasized. The storage and sharing model of student education records data still faces many challenges in terms of privacy protection and efficient transmission. The use of block chain technology has been proposed as solution to address the challenges faced in the current centralized education sector. The Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) consensus algorithm to ensure credible and secure data management. The need for precise privacy data is achieved by constructing a dictionary. Cryptographic techniques such as AES is used for encrypted storage of data and keywords. The random secret key is generated for each record through hashing technique for data security storage in block chain . The storage server store database management system with block size 256 bits using SHA-256. Smart contract provides protection for data keywords, the storage server stores data after data masking. Security analysis, privacy protection and computational cost shows that high efficiency and low cost can be achieved. Meanwhile, this scheme has better robustness compared to other educational records data sharing models