Abstract: Blockchain technology has the potential to address a number of challenges in the field of elections, particularly in terms of security and transparency. A decentralized online voting system using blockchain could provide a secure and tamper-proof way of conducting elections, as the decentralized nature of the technology would make it difficult for any single entity to manipulate the data. The use of a distributed ledger would also ensure that the results of the election are transparent and verifiable, as all nodes in the network would have access to the same data. Additionally, such a system could potentially make the voting process more convenient and accessible for voters, as they would be able to cast their ballots online from anywhere. Overall, the adoption of blockchain technology in the electoral process has the potential to greatly improve the integrity and fairness of election

Keywords: Blockchain, Etherium, Smart Contract, Solidity, Electronic-Voting, SHA-256.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91206

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