Abstract: People's use of social networks is growing, but because of the centralized data management system They've got to deal with the issue of privacy leaks. This privacy issue is resolved by dispersed social network catered emergency services, but they introduce efficiencies in the provision of primary functionality such data availability and access control. According to this perspective, social networks and decentralized social networks face the aforementioned difficulties. To build a new decentralized social network architecture combining the advantages of decentralised networks and classic centralized social networks, we take advantage of the newly popular blockchain technology. We provide central control services using the blockchain, which functions as a trusted server. To ensure that users have total control over their data, we divide the storage services in the interim. Blockchain-based social network of user’s identity management systems offer improved efficiency, and enhanced user experiences.

Keywords: Blockchain, decentralized system, privacy, security.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11620

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