Abstract: Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way supply chains and logistics are managed in the manufacturing industry. This technology allows for secure and transparent information sharing across a distributed network of participants, enabling greater visibility and traceability throughout the supply chain. By leveraging blockchain, manufacturers can reduce the risk of counterfeiting, ensure the authenticity of their products, and streamline supply chain operations. With a blockchain-based system, participants can track the movement of goods and materials, verify the origin and quality of products, and ensure compliance with regulations and standards. Additionally, blockchain technology can facilitate faster and more efficient transactions, reducing costs and delays associated with traditional payment and settlement processes. This can help manufacturers to optimize their supply chains, improve inventory management, and enhance customer satisfaction. Despite its potential benefits, implementing blockchain technology in the manufacturing industry can be complex, requiring significant investment in infrastructure, data management, and stakeholder engagement. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology in manufacturing supply chains and logistics and highlights its potential to transform how manufacturing operations are managed and optimized.

Keywords: blockchain; manufacturing supply chain; smart contracts; asset tracking; distributed ledger; Industry 5.0.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10304

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