Abstract: Due to bad weather conditions and lack of innovation in salvage, local alarm services are essential for fishermen who are dealing with a long-term conflict with neighbouring countries. After careful consideration of the problem, we proposed a low- effort, straightforward climate alert system for anglers, which is used to keep track of their family members, friends, andother anglers in the event that some anglers encounter problems like unforeseen climatic changes or crisis. This proposed system will support the angler. By monitoring the weather conditions of the fishing area, in addition, sensors like stickiness, temperature, and rain sensor. Then sensors continuously monitors the fishing area and sends the information to the server whenever the angler needs any assistance. There is a crisis button is provided, and if they press it, an alarm will be sent to the specific primary server. In the unlikely event that the weather is unsuitable, a secondalert will be automatically dispatched passengers, and the buzzer will start to ring to warn the other passengers. If anglers cross the zone, the ship's engine will stop and the ringer will start to ring. The data from the pontoon's sensorsand GPS area iscontinuously updated in the main server anddisplayed in LCD of the climatic circumstances.