Abstract: The need for rehabilitation, repair and strengthening of concrete structure has increased worldwide with a growing number of systems employing concrete jacketing, various retrofitting techniques, externally applied fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites, etc. For structural applications, an overview of the different FRP composites are provided by various polymer composites and in civil structures FRP composites are used to restore or strengthen the building block. This paper is focused on investigation of the ability of woven carbon fiber reinforced fabric packaging to improve the strength of various building components. To this end, few concrete cubes were poured and were wrapped in carbon to verify the increase in strength. The strengths of cubes with carbon fiber wrapping and without carbon fiber wrapping were compared and the results were observed to have increased in strength for the carbon fiber wrapped cubes. A non-destructive Rebound Hammer test was performed on this column and later it was wrapped in a carbon fiber cloth to increase its strength. In addition, the expense of the two methods i.e. concrete jacketing and carbon fiber wrap was compared and carbon fiber wrap was found to be economical than the other method. In both cases, the resistance was found to be greater than the initial resistance. Therefore, carbon fiber has proven to be effective in both.

Keywords: Carbon Fibre, Carbon Fibre Reinforced Fabric, Strengthening of members

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8513

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