Abstract: Education in Indonesia is currently still facing various problems. The achievement of educational outcomes still does not meet the expected results. The educational process still focuses on and focuses on cognitive achievement. Meanwhile, the affective aspects of students who are strong enough to live in society have not been optimally developed. The rise of the phenomenon of behavior caused by the low attitude of student nationalism, such as students who do not use good and correct Indonesian, found that many students do not want to take part in the flag ceremony properly and correctly. In the end, it raises the question of whether history learning has been carried out properly, then why is the attitude of student nationalism still low. Therefore, integrating character education into learning can be done by loading character values in all subjects taught at school and in the implementation of learning activities, especially in learning history. For this reason, history teachers must prepare character education starting from planning, implementing, and evaluating, so that it is expected to increase students' nationalism.
Keywords: Character Education, History Learning, Nationalism
Elis Setiawati*, Sumiyatun,"Character Education in History Learning to Increase Nationalism Attitudes", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 4, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11434.