Abstract: In this paper, the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is optimized for sensor applications. The size of the FBG sensor is very important for structural health monitoring applications. Therefore, the core diameter and grating length of FBG are selected for the optimization. The FBG response includes three important characteristics like reflectivity, full width at half maximum, and side lobe power. For sensor applications, reflectivity should be high and FWHM and side lobe power should be low. A GratingMOD tool from Synopsis is used for the simulation study of FBG. This tool uses coupled mode theory and a transfer matrix method for the characterization of FBG. The core diameter and grating length are optimized to 5 μm and 2.5 mm respectively. The optimized FBG offers reflectivity, 0.9945 a.u., full width at half maximum, 0.848 nm, and side lobe power, 0.3393 a.u.
Keywords: Fiber Bragg grating; Core diameter; Grating length; Reflectivity; Full width at half maximum; Side lobe power