Abstract: A three years old Goat was presented to the Block Veterinary Dispensary, Srijangram with a history of haemogalactia for 4 days after parturition. Clinical examination revealed that all the vital parameters were within the normal limits. California mastitis test (CMT) was found to be negative. On the basis of history and clinical examination, the case was diagnosed to be of haemogalactia. The Goat was treated with Inj. Ceftriaxone @ 10 mg/kg BW IM for 5 days, Inj. Tranexamic acid @ 5 mg/kg BW, IV, SID along with adrenaline (intramammary), serratiopeptidase (PO) for 5 days. Improvement in condition was observed after three days of treatment and completely recovered after five days of treatment.
Keywords: adrenaline, CMT, goat, haemogalactia, tranexamic acid.