Abstract: Elevated water tanks play a critical role in water distribution systems, ensuring a reliable water supply to communities. However, their structural integrity during seismic events is crucial for public safety. To address this concern, various design codes and guidelines have been developed worldwide, aiming to provide seismic design considerations for elevated water tanks. This paper presents a comprehensive review that compares and evaluates the seismic analysis methods employed in the design of these tanks, as prescribed by different codes such as IS, ACI, EN, and NZS. The primary objective of this review is to analyze and compare the seismic analysis approaches outlined in various design codes. By examining these approaches, the strengths and limitations of each methodology can be identified. This evaluation is essential for understanding the effectiveness and applicability of different design codes in ensuring the seismic resilience of elevated water tanks. The review also highlights potential areas for improvement in seismic analysis methodologies. By identifying limitations and areas that require further research, the study contributes to the continuous refinement and development of seismic design guidelines for elevated water tanks. Engineers and researchers can utilize these findings to enhance the design optimization and seismic behavior understanding of these critical structures.
Keywords: - Elevated water tank, Seismic Analysis, Shaft staging, column staging, STADD Pro., SAP2000, Different codes