Abstract: The primary objective of asphalt plants is the quick, efficient manufacturing of high-quality asphalt concrete in huge quantities. Two varieties of plants are grown and used globally to achieve these goals. These are batch and continuous (drum-mix) plants. They are distinguished from one another by their production processes, as implied by their names. Asphalt concrete is manufactured continuously in continuous types as aggregate flow. Asphalt concrete is made in batch forms, one batch at a time. The primary manufacturing processes have not altered, but new processes and components have been introduced to plants as a result of technological advancements. This study's primary goal is to assess asphalt plant performance and compare it to actual applications. The first section of this paper introduces the essential tasks of plants independent of production mode and explains the production procedures of asphalt plants in order to achieve this goal. The primary functions of asphalt plants for continuous and batch type plants are contrasted in the second half of this essay.
The benefits and drawbacks of each type of asphalt factory are described. Investigated are each type of asphalt plant's innovative production methods and parts. Finally, the production capabilities, product quality, quality control procedures, efficiency, and environmental tasks of the various plant types were compared. Additionally, production capacities—both theoretical and actual—costs, production losses, and quality losses resulting from various application-related issues are explored.
Keywords: Batch Mix Plant (HMP), Drum Mix Plant (HMP).