Abstract: A proposed algorithm based on Homomorphic Encryption built based on Homomorphic Encryption and Elliptic curve. In cloud computing, big amount of users 'data are allowed to de collected on cloud server storage for next use, and any computations on stored data will be implemented in the cloud. To keep the stored data that is on the cloud we necessities have to use an encryption system that can do computations on the encrypted data called homomorphic encryption. In this paper, Comparison between a Proposed algorithm Based on Homomorphic Encryption and Elliptic curve(PAHEEC) with traditional Algorithms for security of data in cloud computing ,", Elliptic curve cryptography used to generate algorithm's private key , A new algorithm reduces the time of processing, space of storage and make available high security because of its key generated depends on ECC. The use of 64-bit provides enough security to be used in a comparison.
Keyword: Security of cloud computing, Homomorphic Encryption, Elliptic curve.