Abstract: Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) is growing as an enormous technology in wireless network that making communication possible between vehicles. VANET consists of vehicles, GPS, road side units, radio transceivers and internet connection. It attracts lots of researchers and industries towards itself due to its application in road safety, traffic control management and entertainment. United State Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has allocated 75MHz of bandwidth spectrum in 5.9 GHz band. VANET is a part of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). To provide a reliable and safe communication between the vehicles with minimum delay an efficient MAC protocol is required. Many of existing MAC protocols for VANETs are not efficient. Currently VANET is working on contention-based scheme IEEE 802.11p. Contention based MAC protocols are not suitable for VANET environment due to high collision rate of messages and delay in delivery to receiving node. The contention free MAC protocols for challenging environment of VANET. The major reason for this research area is to provide safety to the vehicles and human lives. Safety messages and related information should reach at its destination with minimum latency and collision. Millions of people lost their life due to road accidents in the world. To provide safety on the road with increased vehicular traffic, smart vehicles which can communicate with other vehicles and RSUs are required to prevent accidents. Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) provides this flexibility to the vehicles, but VANET are not just limited to road safety, it can be used for comfort and entertainment purposes as well. Slot assignment technique to vehicles to send the safety messages plays an important role in safety in VANET but it also poses a major challenge. Self-sorting-based MAC convention is proposed to enhance the execution of wellbeing application in high congestion (VANETs). In this gradient descent algorithm is used for the optimized queue resources. During used slot of a queue handshakes for service application are also transferred through the queue members.
Keywords: VANET, MANET, Congestion Control.