Abstract: Biodiversity  is more important factor in the structural functioning of Ecosystems and the radiation hazards of cell phone tower has become the major challenges to the ecological services. Indeed the mobile phone technology is the matter of pride but the research reveals that it is a slow poison causing brain cancer and heart disorderness. The animals and people living nearer to the mobile towers shows the elevated rate of disease. The surprising reports due the Radiation Hazards of  Cell Phone Towers are that the number of sparrows across the country has been falling down drastically  and there is the sudden disappearance of squirrels from the forms due the emission of stronger Electro Magnetic Radiation. Aberdeen Bazar is the most  populated area of UT Administration , in which, there are three tall towers one is at Babu line , the other is  at Supply line and the third one is installed beside Police – Mosque  have claimed untimely death of 10 persons in these areas. The area of concern is the base station and their antennas, which provides the link to and from cell phones. This is because , in contrast to the hand sets , its radio frequencies are emitted continuously and is more powerful to the closer areas of the tower. The safety standard of measurements of exposures  are 6 minutes per day  and Electro Magnetic Field of 4500mw/m2. People who lives closure to cell tower by 24X7 are experiencing these exposure leads to ‘Possibly carcinogenic to human’ and may cause brain cancer.

The people living closer to the cell phone tower have requested to shift the tower, shifting the tower is not the solution to the problem ,invariably that will end up the cell phone connectivity in certain areas. Instead of removing the towers and passing the problem to other peoples and to over come this radiation hazard problems, it is recommended that the amplification  of power in the cell tower is to be reduced , by reducing  the gain of the antenna , by reducing the coverage area, by using more repeaters , by increasing the height of the tower and through innovative technology  such as coupling an active radiation shielding technology, like radiation protection architecture utilization of high temperature superconducting magnets etc.,

Keywords: Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Electro Magnetic Radiation, High Temperature Superconductors, etc

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2019.6913

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