Abstract: Fruits intake is linked to lower the risk of NCDs such as CVD, diabetes and some types of cancers. Fruits contain micronutrients, antioxidants, phytochemical compounds and fibre, which enable them to play a protective role against major diseases. Daily intake of five servings of fruits has been linked to psychosocial well-being, and reduced risk of diseases. The present study aimed to know the consumption of fruits among non-nutrition students pursued their post-graduation in non-nutrition disciplines. The information regarding the preference, consumption pattern and daily intake of fruits among the non-nutrition students were collected using the questionnaire through online platform. Around 100 responseswere taken for analysis and it was found that nearly 49% of the study participantshad fruits in their regular diet and 47% prefer rarely and only four percent not preferred fruits. Only 12%consumed fruits at leastdailyonce,67%tookweeklytwice, only two percent took more than 100gms of fruits per day, five percent consumed around 100gms. It was clear that cost was considered by most of the participants (75 ± 20.5) followed by nutritive value (62 ± 8.6), taste (54 ± 14.2), availability (46 ± 11.7), colour (26 ± 10.9) and popularity by 12 ± 4.4 respondents. Nearly 46% of the student respondents were aware of the antioxidant presence in the fruits. The awareness towards the benefits of fruits, nutritive value and recommended allowance of fruits have to be intervened to non-nutrition students as their self- awareness is not adequate. Strategies to increase fruits consumption in this population are needed.

Keywords:Antioxidants, consumption, fruits, non-nutrition, preference

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9227

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