Abstract: This article reviews the problem of creep in cylinders made of Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs). Selected papers published in the English language including the phrase “creep analysis of composite cylinder” in the title, abstract, or key words were searched in science direct and Google scholar databases and reviewed. The literature provides evidence that in recent years the problem of creep in cylinders made of FGMs operating under high pressure and temperature has attracted the interest of many researchers. Creep behaviour of composites with tailored distribution of reinforcement is of importance in view of their applications at high temperature. It is observed that the rotating circular cylinders under internal pressure made of transversely isotropic material were on the safer side of the design as compared to rotating circular cylinders under internal pressure made of isotropic material.
Keywords: Creep analysis, Composite material, Composite cylinder, Functionally Graded Materials (FGM’s)