Abstract: Diasporic writing has emerged into a distinct literary genre today. They are affected by the thought of homelessness. Their writings are dominated by a quest, a quest for identity, a quest for inner self and a search for a home. Since human beings have different set of mind, it is the cause for understanding and misunderstanding between individuals. It is no surprise that man and woman are always in a state of dissonance. Cognitive can be defined as the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment and reasoning. Dissonance means disagreement and incongruity. Dissonance and Consonance refer to relationships which exist between pairs in beliefs and hopes. When a person fails to comprehend a thing or a situation, he faces this mental problem. This paper aims to reveal in what degree the Dissonance is faced by the characters after their cultural displacement. and the quest of identity faced by the protagonist as revealed by the diasporic writers in their writing. In various situations we find their mental conflicts, which makes their live and partly live her life. This paper focuses on the construction of Cultural Displacement and the Quest for Identity in Amy Tan’s novel The Bonesetter’s Daughter and Teja Cole’s Every Day’s for the Thief. In analysing the construction of identity,

KeyWords - Diaspora, Quest, Dissonance, Consonance, Cultural Displacement , Identity.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8959

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