Abstract: Systematic investigations were conducted to record the dairy farming activities midst urban area of Mysore during May, 2023 to August, 2023. Total 60 dairy farmers from 27 areas were randomly selected using pre-tested questionnaire. Altogether, 60 parameters which covers socio-economic conditions of dairy farmers, cow breeds, feeding, hygienic conditions, disease management, manure used and milk marketing etc, were considered. Scientific data was compiled and systematically analyzed using standard methods. Data indicated quite interesting results. Majority (61.7%) of dairy farmers belong to the middle age group (35-55 years), and it was followed by 23.3, 13.3 and 1.7% dairy farmers respectively young (24-34 years), old age (56-70 years) and 70 years age group. Among the different age groups, only 53.3% dairy farmers had high school education and it was followed by below high school and pre-university level education respectively 16.7 and 11.7%. Only 10% dairy farmers had graduation and 8.3% were illiterates. Interestingly, 95% dairy farmers were male and only 5% female folk were involved with dairy farming.
Moreover, 53.3% dairy farmers had more experience (20-40 years) in this activity and 6.7% are doing this activity since 40 years and considered it as legacy and as self-employment. Surprisingly, most of the dairy farmers (98.3%) didn’t have any training on dairy farming and 1.7% dairy farmers have attended the training on modern dairy farming activities. In Mysore, pure breeds both exotic and indigenous origin along with cross breeds was used in dairy farming. Holstien-Friesian and Jersey cattle breeds semen was artificially inseminated with indigenous cattle breeds to produce crossbreed cows. Cross breeds were used more (75%) than local breeds or pure breeds (13.3%). The cow breeds namely Holstein-Friesian, Bargur, Hullikar, Alambadi and Amritmahal were respectively used 4.7, 1.7, 1.4, 1.2 and 1%.
In Mysore, milking from the cattle is being done majorly (93.3%) by males and many families hire milkmen to collect milk from the cows on daily wage basis. However, only 6.7% female folk are involved in milking activity. Majority (73.3%) of the dairy farmers keep only cows and around 26.7% dairy farmers keep cows along with hen, goat and sheep. Further, dairy farmers having small to medium and large cow herd size with minimum 2 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 21 respectively by 35, 26.7, 36.6% dairy farmers. Surprisingly, dairy farmers are practicing dairy farming on their own without hiring a labour to maintain the cows. Total 61.7% dairy farmers were practicing zero grazing, where cows are not allowed to graze openly. Only 25% dairy farmers were practicing semi-intensive grazing and 13.3% dairy farmers were practicing extensive grazing. Cows were fed with different quantity of feed that was depended on age and milking status. Further, hygienic practices followed during milking, equipments used for milking, storage and transportation and disease management practices followed were as per the standard norms followed by the dairy farmers. Overall, most of the dairy farmers are happy with their profession and earning good returns despite fulfilling the household requirement in Mysore city.
Key words: Socio-economic conditions, cow breeds, rearing status, Mysore.