Abstract: The present computational Analysis deal with improvement of momentum distribution of the high temperature exhaust in Rocket Engine through change in profile of Aero-spike nozzle. Due to change of profile, we can improve thrust and mass flow rate of exhaust gas. This project deals with the Design and Analysis of Aero-spike Nozzle by adding the bell configuration at the end of the Nozzle and also by providing the dimples at the spike of the nozzle to produce higher thrust than the normal aerospike nozzle. The design of the nozzle is carried out with the design software CATIA V5 and the analysis of the Nozzle is done in ANSYS FLUENT 19.2 software. The presence of Dimples at the spike of the nozzle increase the turbulence and enables the flow to be attached to the spike thereby reducing the flow separation of the nozzle. This Profile modification of the Nozzle produces considerable increase in thrust compared to the conventional Aerospike nozzle. The comparison has been done with respect to mass flow rate , velocity , streamline and temperature between unmodified profile and modified profile.