ABSTRACT: In past few decades cable stayed bridge is designed for providing free space between two piers for movement of ships and other water bodies, hence concept of cable stayed bridge is popular in this era. The conceptual design of bridge structure depends upon reliability, serviceability, visual appearance and the cost of structure. Cable Stayed Bridge is the best design example of bridge structure which fulfill all above aspects with great efficiency. In cable stayed bridge shear force taken by cable and compression by pillars, so all possible forces in pillars are stabilized by the main cable, this is main reason cable stayed bridge is designed for long span with economical cost. In this study eight number of models of bridge with the variation of cable position is analysed. The main span of bridge is taken at 250m and side span is 125m including two lanes each 3.5m wide and 1.5m wide pathway is taken for analysis. The prepared geometry of the eight models of cable stayed bridge is analyzed in STAAD.Pro v8i series VI software for various structural properties. The wind zone-IV and seismic zone-V is selected for the detailed analysis. The bridge with the variation in cable position is design in STAAD.Pro software and analyzed for maximum horizontal shear force (Fx), maximum vertical shear force (Fy), maximum horizontal moment (Mx) and maximum vertical moment (My) for side span & main span along without bracing in pylon. The obtained results for different cable profile are analyzed and compared to obtain optimum position. Further results revealed that the cable arrangement as per model M4 gives best result, also bracing is not playing too much role to reduce shear force and bending moment.
Keywords: Bridge, Cable, Compression, Pylon, Stiffness