Abstract: This paper investigates the possibility of an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station at the parking space of a railway metro station in New Delhi, India. As the solar potential in this part of the world is very high, thereby solar system is integrated with the grid to fulfill the energy demand of the EVs parked at the railway metro station parking area as well as the other auxiliary load. Three different case are examined in this paper grid only mode, grid-PV mode, and grid-PV-battery mode. All the three cases are compared with each other in terms of cost of energy (COE), net present cost (NPS), electrical output of different components of system, and pollutants emitted. Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER) software is used for simulation purpose and verification of the results. From the simulation results, Grid-PV system found to be most feasible solution among all and grid only mode is least suitable.
Keywords: Renewable energy resources, net present cost, cost of energy, hybrid energy system, battery energy storage.