Abstract: The sun's energy is truly strong. Sunlight based energy is sustainable and it's free. We can utilize it to make power, to warm structures and to cook. The field of cooking consumes numerous non-renewable energy sources like gas and wood. Million individuals can't track down sufficient gas or potentially wood to cook, so utilizing sun-based cookers is really smart. During this work, we planned, fabricated and concentrated on an illustrative sunlight-based cooker. The trademark conditions and the trial results are given [1]. In this paper, a careful audit of the accessible writing on sun-based cookers is introduced. The survey is acted in a topical manner to permit a simpler correlation, conversation and assessment of the discoveries got by analysts, particularly on boundaries influencing the exhibition of sun-based cookers. The survey covers a noteworthy outline of sun-based cooking innovation, point by point depiction of different sorts of sun-oriented cookers, calculation boundaries influencing execution of sun-based cookers, for example, sponsor mirrors, coating, safeguard plate, cooking pots, heat stockpiling materials and protection. In addition, thermodynamic appraisal of sun-oriented cooking frameworks and subjective assessment of warm result presented by sun powered cookers are investigated exhaustively. Complex plans of sun powered cookers/broilers with and without heat stockpiling material are represented and moreover potential techniques to have the option to improve the power results of sun-oriented cooking frameworks are introduced. Practicality investigation, natural effects and future capability of sun powered cookers are likewise thought to be in the review [2].