Abstract: The Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a potential Distribution Flexible AC Transmission system (D-FACTS) has been introduced to protect sensitive loads from voltage sags and other voltage disturbances in addition to this, it mitigates current harmonics distortion. Dynamic voltage restorer is a series connected power electronic based FACT device. It is considered as one of the most efficient and effective solutions. DVR is in smaller size and has a fast dynamic response to the disturbance introduced by the load or fault.
This work contains power quality improvement (majorly focusing on the mitigation of voltage sag and swell) using DVR. A simulink model of DVR has been modeled in MATLAB software. Simulation results carried out by MATLAB/Simulink to investigate the performance of the proposed method’s effectiveness to smooth the distorted voltage.

IndexTerms: Distributed generation power system, renewable energy resources, energy storage systems, PV system, grid-connected systems.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.96147

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