Abstract: With the advancement of technology in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), solid state lighting and control system, smart lighting is getting a lot of attention. The concept is constantly evolving to meet the next generation devices that work with IoT. In the modern day’s residential buildings, the indoor lighting accounts for 15-20% of the total energy consumption. The aim of the project is designing of low-cost embedded systems for energy saving lighting system which can provide the real time information and monitoring of the system through internet. With the help of Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensors, the lighting of the bulb can be controlled whenever a person enters a room. This implies that the lights will remain OFF when it is not used. The system design can be possible with the help of sensors and programming micro-controllers. The sensor data can also be sent from Zigbee transmitter to Zigbee receiver through wireless channel, so that the person who is a receiver can always monitor the usage of the light. New technology such as STEMSEL (Science Technology Engineering Maths Social Enterprise Learning) development boards were also used in the project in order to infuse IoT to the system. At the end, the sensor data would be sent from the transmitter to receiver through wireless and the website would be created which can be accessed from anywhere through internet. A case study is also done in order to check the energy efficiency of the system.

Keywords: IoT, LDR, PIR, Zigbee, STEMSEL, Smart Lighting.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2020.7908

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