Abstract: Exoskeleton may seem to be a very futuristic device. But it's been in use since a long time. In early stages of development of such exoskeleton, there were many challenges faced by the designers. Also, there was limited technology advances in field of electronics and motors. Also manufacturing processes were not much developed. As a result of all these, the exoskeletons developed were not feasible to use extensively. They were heavier in weight and also their load carrying capacity was less. Moreover, they were not comfortable too for use. This resulted in shift of focus from exoskeleton and its potential uses. But today, there are a variety of light weight material and composites, which solves the problem of heavy weight of the device. Also, there are compact and lightweight motors and actuators available which made us possible to make a compact and ergonomic design. Our exoskeleton will play important role in lifting heavy loads on frequent basis. During long operations, doctors and attendants can use exoskeleton for carrying out the operations. Also, they can prove beneficial for handicapped persons or army personnel for carrying heavy loads on battlefield. To serve all those aspects our team has designed a similar exoskeleton, who's design and process is explained further.
Keywords: Flat Plate section, DC motor, Forearm section, Actuator,