Abstract: Formula student vehicle is formula styled open-wheel single-seat four-wheel car which is built by students to compete in engineering design event. Steering and suspension are one of the critical systems in this type of vehicle. The primary aim here is to design clevis joint for steering rack extension to minimize undesirable bump steer phenomena seen during dynamic conditions while driving the car. Bump steer point must be precisely placed for improved performance and eliminating undesirable steer experiences when wheel travels vertically on the bump or during the corners. Considering various constraints and simulation of hard-points of the suspension system on LOTUS- SHARK vehicle simulation software, a clevis joint design is performed with the help of SOLIDWORKS modelling and analysis.
Keywords: Bump steer, toe point, clevis clip, tie rod, toe angle, wheel travel. Steering system, FSAE car
10.17148/ IARJSET.2019.61209