Abstract: It is the goal of the library's management system to create a computerised system that can handle all of the library's everyday operations. User login is one of the functions that can't be found in most library management systems. n. The admin may keep tabs on the whole system using the admin login feature. After login onto their account, students may check what books they've borrowed and when they've returned them, as well as fill out a form to request the library to add additional books. The librarian may monitor the status of book issuance, return, and new book additions after login into his account, which is the administrator account. Ultimately, our paper is designed to assist students and library staff alike manage the library in the most efficient manner possible, while simultaneously reducing the amount of human labour required.

Keywords: E-library, website, admin, student, books.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9680

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