Abstract: X-beam powder diffraction is most generally utilized for the distinguishing proof of obscure glasslike materials. Assurance of obscure solids is basic to studies in topography, ecological science, material science, designing and science. Different applications include: portrayal of translucent materials recognizable proof of fine-grained minerals, for example, dirts and blended layer muds that are hard to decide optically assurance of unit cell aspects estimation of test virtue With particular strategies, XRD can be utilized to: decide precious stone constructions utilizing Rietveld refinement decide of modular measures of minerals (quantitative investigation) describe flimsy movies tests by: deciding cross section crisscross among film and substrate and to inducing anxiety deciding disengagement thickness and nature of the film by shaking bend estimations estimating super lattices in complex epitaxial structures. Deciding the thickness, unpleasantness and thickness of the film utilizing looking occurrence X-beam reflectivity estimations make textural estimations, like the direction of grains, in a polycrystalline example.
Keyword’s: XRD Peak position, Advanced Materials, Inter Atomic Distance.