Abstract: Dessert is the last course of a meal and this study aimed to develop Elos desserts and determine their acceptability. The dessert products formulated were Butchi, Pastillas, and Bibingka and were evaluated as to sensory qualities in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture. The level of their acceptability was also tested using the same qualities. Significant differences in the treatments were determined for both the sensory qualities and acceptability.
The study was a developmental-experimental research that used the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two (2) treatments in three replications. The sensory qualities of the desserts were evaluated by 10 semi-trained panellists who were food technology teachers at Capiz State University while the final product was evaluated by 100 consumers using the Nine Point Hedonic Scale. The statistical tools used were the mean, and the Analysis of Variance One Way (ANOVA) which was set at 0.01 alpha level.
The findings of the study revealed that both treatments (Treatment A with 25 grams of Elos and Treatment B 50 grams of Elos) of Elos Butchi were extremely appealing in appearance, extremely pleasant in aroma, extremely delicious in taste and extremely crispy and chewy in texture with Treatment A showing the same mean in Treatment B. For the Elos Pastillas, both treatments were extremely appealing, extremely pleasant, extremely delicious and extremely soft and creamy. The Elos Bibingka were extremely appealing, extremely pleasant, extremely delicious and extremely soft and spongy in both treatments.
The three (3) Elos desserts were all liked extremely in their acceptability with product B (Pastillas) getting the highest result in all quality attributes. There were no significant differences in the sensory qualities of the Elos in making desserts considering the two treatments in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture. There was no significant difference in the consumers’ acceptability of Elos desserts considering the sensory qualities.
Elos Buchi and Elos Pastillas can stay up to 3days at room temperature and seven days at chilling temperature. Elos Bibingka can stay for two (2) days at room temperature and five (5) days at chilling temperature.
The elos pastillas was safe for human consumption based on the results of microbial analysis of the product and based on the BFAD standard for microorganism test for products belonging to sugar confectionaries.
Keywords: Elos (Lesser Yam), Dessert, Development and Acceptability
Works Cited:
Nieves M. Alcayde "DEVELOPMENT AND ACCEPTABILITY OF LESSER YAM (ELOS) DESSERTS", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 67-77, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10812