Abstract: This study aimed to design, develop dress pattern maker software and evaluate its functionality, accuracy, performance efficiency, and usability. The study was subjected to a technical presentation of a group of technical experts in the field of computers and the dress-making industry was invited to scrutinize the functionality of the study. The system was also subjected to its final evaluation by computer programmers, dressmaking teachers from the academe, practitioners in the industry, as well as dressmaking students for its acceptability. The data-gathering instrument used to evaluate the system was adopted from ISO/IEC 25010 questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire that passed the validity and reliability requirements. Data gathering was made online in compliance with the COVID-19 Health and Safety protocols. The testing and evaluation of the software had been conducted from May 26 to June 15, 2021, by the nine (9) dressmaking teachers, seven (7) practitioners, and the fourteen (14) fashion students at Antique, Capiz, Iloilo City, and Iloilo Province Region VI-Western Visayas. The mean average and t-test were used in the interpretation of data based on the criteria on the parameters of the study. The design of the software was made up of computer programs. In the programming language that was used is Visual C#, the Graphics class provides methods for drawing objects to the display device. Many different shapes and lines can be drawn using a Graphics object. These methods include DrawLine, DrawArc, DrawClosedCurve, DrawPolygon, and DrawRectangle. The system was designed to generate a digital system of making dress patterns that will replace the conventional way of making dress patterns. The system produced an accurate and efficient way of drafting the pattern of the front blouse, back blouse, front skirt, back skirt, set-in sleeve, and sports collar. The evaluation revealed that the device was highly acceptable to the respondents in terms of its functionality, accuracy, performance efficiency, and usability.  The self-instruction module was highly acceptable in terms of content, organization, presentation, and assessment as evaluated by the end users.

Keywords: dress pattern maker, self-instruction module, dressmaking

Works Cited:

Edith P. Gonzales "Development of Dress Pattern Maker Software", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 653-657, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.107108

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.107108

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