Abstract: In the larger context, society has been binary with respect to gender as well as sexual identity. It is a reality that the majority of the part of the society is not very comfortable with the idea of someone who expresses themselves differently than they look. It is of utmost importance that the common people should be made aware of the various contexts that exist and that propose their own understanding which explains the reasons behind minorities with respect to gender identity as well as sexual orientation. A thorough interrogation would unravel how sexuality and the identity related to gender, during the adolescent years emerges, this just may as well be an answer to the typical prevalence of heterosexuals in the majority and the reason behind the sexual orientation of other minorities as well. The current investigation would contribute to giving a peek into how many different groups of researchers believe in different reasons that are responsible for the formation of gender identity and sexual orientation during adolescence.
Keywords: Gender identity, Sexual Orientation, Adolescence