Abstract: Extreme cold weather in winter days and winter nights is very serious problem for those homes and buildings in which outside walls becomes too much cold due to the conduction of coldness and cold breeze. In foreign countries trend of construction of green buildings is very common but when we are talking about the developing countries like Nepal, Bhutan, India and Sri-Lanka homes and buildings are being constructed according to affordability. So, it’s a problem of many traditional and common houses. It becomes very difficult to live/ survive in such weather conditions where the room temperature becomes less than 18 ⁰C in days and less than 10 ⁰C in winter nights.
The solution for such type of serious problem exists in the invention of such composite insulator materials for making curtains/ curtain pads and window insulator covers to avoid the entry of cold breeze and fog in our homes which will add comfort in living during these days.
Keywords: Layering effect, vertical band effect, window covers, cold wave, insulation.