Abstract: Modern agriculture, such as aquaponics, has become a well-known solution nowadays for farming, especially in Asia countries. However, it requires manpower and time to control, maintain, and monitor the system. This is why innovative farming methods are introduced to farmers to help them slowly adapt and mitigate these problems. Thus, the development and innovation of the smart fish feeder and monitoring system device for hybrid aquaponics was developed. This research used a smart automation aquaponic monitoring system that helps the users feed, maintain and monitor the system through manual operations and smartphone application. The device uses DFRobot dissolved oxygen sensor to record oxygen level, PH-4502c for pH, DS18B20 to record temperature, DFRobot analog turbidity sensor to record total dissolved solids and HC-SR04 for water level. The sensors are connected to Arduino Mega and ESP32-CAM microcontrollers for data processing. The collected data is shown in real time on both the liquid crystal display and mobile application of the device, enabling users to manipulate the parameters involved. The application facilitates the monitoring of various parameters in the fish tank, including ammonia levels, dissolved oxygen levels, pH levels, temperature, total dissolved solids, and water level. Additionally, it allows for the control of the actuator responsible for feeding the fish. The recently developed smart fish feeder and monitoring system device for hybrid aquaponics was thoroughly examined and evaluated by twenty-five (25) technical experts specialized in Electrical, Electronics, and related fields. They unanimously rated the design as "Excellent." The construction of the device was "Excellent". In addition, the device's operating performance was rated as "Very Good." In terms of safety, the device obtained an "Excellent" rating. Ten technical experts in the field of information communication technology and Agri-fisheries evaluated the developed application for the monitoring system of the device as “Excellent” in terms of functional suitability, reliability and performance efficiency. The portability, usability and security of the application was evaluated as “Very Good”.
Keywords: Agriculture, Aquaponics, Smart, Monitoring System.
Rafael B. Berte,"Development of Smart Fish Feeder and Monitoring System Device for Hybrid Aquaponics", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 1, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11103.