Abstract: Sight is considered the most important sense and the blind people are observed upon with pity by others. Technology helps the blind people to communicate with the environment, the communication process and the dissemination of information has become very fast and on a wider scale to include all parts of the world which greatly affected to the human life, thus increasing the ways of entertainment and comfort and reduced suffering and hardship in many things. Blind people are part of this world, so the technology must leave a significant impact on their lives to make what was impossible for them as possible and available to them today. The assistance provided earlier for blind people were as a particular hardware devices such as talking OCR Products, identifying color, barcode readers; that hardware were expensive and limited capabilities due to rapid change in hardware. The challenges faced by impaired/blind people in their daily lives are not well understood. In this paper, we try to present an application called SMART SHOES where is it’s a way to give hand to blind people with the aid of technology in order to solve some of their faced problems. The Application results enhance the understanding of the problems facing blind people daily, and may help encourage more projects targeted to help blind people to live independent in their daily lives.
Keywords: VISUALLY IMPAIRED, BLIND PEOPLE, real time system, Arduino, Android, and voice recognition.