Abstract: This study aims to develop teaching materials for the Pugungraharjo Archaeological Site Encyclopedia to improve the understanding of local history for the tenth graders of Social Sciences. The type of research is the R&D model of Borg & Gall which is modified into 3 stages, namely: research and information gathering, planning for making local history teaching materials and developing local history teaching materials. The trial subjects consisted of teaching materials experts, learning media experts, and large group trials involving 30 students and field trials were carried out in class X IPS 1 as the class that was treated using teaching materials from the Pugungraharjo Archaeological Site Encyclopedia. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observations, and interviews. Data analysis using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of the study: (1) The teaching materials of the Pugungraharjo Archaeological Site Encyclopedia were developed using a modified Borg & Gal model. (2) Pugungraharjo Archaeological Site Encyclopedia teaching materials can improve understanding of local history, after using development products with a difference in learning outcomes of 0.50 with moderate criteria, which means that the product development is effective in increasing understanding of local history. (3) Learning activities for class X IPS 1 that use the Pugungraharjo Archaeological Site Encyclopedia teaching materials are more effective than class X IPS 2 which does not use Pugungraharjo Archaeological Site Encyclopedia teaching materials.

Keywords: teaching materials, encyclopedias, local history, archaeological sites pigungraharjo

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9551

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