Abstract: Marine phytoplankton has a wide range of distribution forming patterns. This study generally aims to determine the multi-directional distribution and dynamic patterns of phytoplankton 15 km off coast from the docking area of Bahrain Yacht Club in Sitra, Kingdom of Bahrain. Specifically to identify individual species’ population in the sampling stations; identify multi-directional distribution and pattern of marine plankton; find out significant differences in the station-to-station distribution of marine plankton; and relate the effect physicochemical parameter on the population of phytoplankton taxa. Results revealed 21 species of phytoplankton consisting of two phyla, Chrysophyta or diatoms with 13 species and Dinoflagellata or dinoflagellates with 8 species. Plankton population based on microscopy count varies from station-to-station. Thalasionema sp. of the diatom taxon dominates Station 1 (northeast), Station 3 (west) and Station 4 (northwest); Pseudo-Nitzschia australis in Station 2 (southwest) and Asteromphalus sp. in Station 5 (north) and C. furca of the dinoflagellates in Station1 (northeast) and 2 (southwest). Statistical analysis using t-test at p˂.05 depicted significant differences between Station 1 and 5; and Station 1 and 3 among the diatoms taxa while Station 1, 3 and 4 for dinoflagellates. Recorded physicochemical readings are within the acceptable level, therefore exerts insignificant effect on the population of phytoplankton where r = -0.38867. Multi-directional and dynamic patterns are illustrated using radar graph based on species population. The greater number of diatom species indicates good water quality and the physicochemical values which are within the standard level.
Keywords: Phytoplankton, Chrysophyta, Dinoflagellata