Abstract: The first objective of the current study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional maturity on altruistic behavior in adolescents. There are several reasons to postulate such a relationship. First, Roberts and Strayer (1996) showed a directional link from emotional insight or the ability to recognize one's own emotions, to empathy, and from empathy to prosocial behaviors in children in three age groups (5 yr. olds, 9 yr. olds, and 13 yr. olds). Similarly, Trobst, Colls, and Embree (1994) reported a correlation between empathy and intention to provide social support for a sample of university students. Thus, because emotional intelligence is conceptually associated with empathy and because empathy has been linked to prosocial behaviors, it is plausible there may be an association for emotional intelligence with prosocial behaviors. The study is ‘Effect of emotional intelligence and emotional maturity on altruistic behavior in adolescents’. The sample size was determined by purposive sampling method (n=140). In this study three standard questionnaires of Emotional intelligence scale, Emotional maturity scale, Altruistic behavior questionnaire respectively were used. The reliability and validity of these three instruments were reported to be significant in different studies. The findings indicated that there was a significant negative correlation between emotional intelligence and emotional maturity-social maladjustment, no significant correlation between emotional intelligence and altruistic behavior of the participants.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Emotional maturity, Altruistic behavior