Abstract: The term Academic Achievement means academic abilities of a person shown in his work place and performance itself. It refers to scholastic aspects of the teacher educator and teacher at the end of educational program. The research study was undertaken to study the Academic Achievement of B.Ed. teacher trainees. The investigator has collected the data from 690 student teachers by stratified random sampling method. Academic Achievement i.e. marks of I and II semester was collected from the college administration and concerned teachers. The data collected was analysed by using mean, SD, mean ± 1 SD, percentage analysis and t-test. The study shows that, out of 690 B.Ed. teacher trainees, 81.16% (560) teacher trainees are with moderate level of academic achievement followed by 10.29% (71) teacher trainees with low level of academic achievement and the remaining 8.55% (59) teacher trainee’s exhibit high level of academic achievement; the variable ‘gender’ has not significantly influenced the academic achievement of B.Ed. teacher trainees; and the variable age group has significantly influenced the academic achievement. Further, it is observed that lower the age group, higher will be the academic achievement of B.Ed. teacher trainees.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Gender, Age Group and B.Ed. Teacher trainees.