Abstract: The effect of source of milk on the yield and composition of Chhana and Rasagulla were studied. Highest yield of Chhana was observed in Buffalo milk (19.8. %) as compared to Cow (15.9%) and Goat milk (15.9%). Buffalo milk Chhana had shown higher protein (16.44 %), fat (29.72 %) and ash content (2.30 %) as compared to Cow (14.84, 24.84, and 1.94 %) and Goat milk Chhana (14.58, 25.84, and 1.98 %). The moisture content was significantly lower in Buffalo milk Chhana than Cow and Goat milk Chhana. The effect of source of Chhana on yield and chemical composition of Rasagulla was also carried out. Higher yield of Rasagulla was observed from Buffalo milk Chhana (18.56 %) followed by Goat milk Chhana (17.51 %) and Cow milk Chhana (16.35 %). Buffalo milk Rasagulla had shown higher protein (5.52 %), fat (6.51 %) and ash content (2.92 %) as compared to Cow milk Rasagulla (4.76, 4.94, and 2.51 %) and Goat milk Rasagulla (4.84 and 5.04 %).
Key words: Chhana, Rasagulla, Buffalo milk, Cow Milk and Goat Milk, yield, and fat, SNF